Roblox studio lag on certain maps

Im gonna post this here since i dont have access to studio bugs.

  1. What i want to achieve here is roblox studio at usable 30-60fps and not taking up huge amount of ram

2… The issue is Roblox Studio lags out at random times. but mostly after autosaving. usually the fix to this issue is to reopen roblox studio. The lag does only happen on 1 particular map. When i go too high on the workspace it will usually just lags out

  1. The solution i tried so far is reinstalling, reopening roblox studio and lowering the graphics down’

So in conclusion i have a feeling that the problem came from the map but i dont have any idea where it is. This happened after i accidentaly ungroup a Rig then the Humanoid got parented into workspace. i deleted it and since then it start to lag

Screenshot 2024-06-15 140754

My Laptop specs
CPU : AMD RYZEN 5 4000
RAM : 16GB

sorry for my bad english.


Edit : As of right now roblox studio didnt lag after i posted this. But this morning and before was very lagging

Edit : This afternoon the same game starts to lag after moving a single big part
the lag was not intense but sometimes it does but i dont have the timing to record it

This issue is solved with the autosaving feature set to every 20 minutes