Roblox studio lagging on good computer

I would like to get roblox studio back to normal

Roblox studio seems to be lagging, and I dont know why. I have a i7 14700f and a rtx 4060 with 36gb of ram.

I have already tried checking my drivers they are all up to date and windows is updated. I have no assets or plugins in my games, I just downloaded studio so it’s still a blank template. I have tried deleted completely then reinstalling but that doesn’t work either, along with trying to manually add Roblox studio to my NVidia app.

The weirdest part I discovered is it works BETTER with background apps, like Roblox, csgo.
can’t get a video in, best I, choppy camera, jerks back a little bit, and a distorted image when moving.


It may be your NVIDIA app, as it’s been causing performance issues all ovr the place of late. I’m unsure if a proper fix has been pushed.

What I experienced with Nvidia FPs limiter is that Studio always have half of it. So needed to turn off it completly when starting studio. Adding studio to the list doesn’t works aswell

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what version of the app should i get?

currently using

Like I said, not sure an official fix exists as there’s mostly conflicting information that I can find. Apparently for some turning off Game Filters or something other does the trick, for others they’ve simply got to uninstall the app until NVIDIA does something of substance here.

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