Roblox Studio Laggy Playtest

Hey, I have a problem with Roblox studio. Whenever I playtest it lags ALOT and I know it isn’t lag because I have an RTX 2060 Ultra and when I go into test and then server while playtesting the lag goes away.
I am confused and I’d appreciate some help.


is it just on a baseplate< if not and you have a map ant etc. make sure there are no unanchored major parts in the map other then that I would not know where to start.

run this in the console (If you have a map)

for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('BasePart') then v.Anchored = true end end

Well, here’s the thing, every time I create a new game, it does the same thing while playtesting.

But when I actually play it on the Roblox page, it runs fine.

You cannot fix this problem. Only thing you can do is make your game less bigger.

Have you tried reinstalling studio?

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this is false. There is many things you can do to fix this without changing the size of the map.


This is happening to me too. Not sure why, starting a playtest has always been just instant but now all of the sudden there is an about 5 second period where it is just frozen. This even happens on an empty baseplate.

this could happen for numbers of factors such as having too many apps open on your PC, your other PC parts not being strong enough/broken, malware, basicly anything that could slow down your computer…try reinstalling studio, if that doesnt work check for all of the factors above or make a bug report on devforum