Roblox Studio Large Scale Bug and Button Bug

Hello everyone ! Yesterday I was on Roblox Studio and everything is fine.

This morning I wake up and I launch roblox studio to be able to continue building my game, and to my great surprise I come across this big bug, which I still haven’t managed to correct


The following means were already tried to correct it but did not work :

1. Restart roblox studio
2. reinstall Roblox Studio
3. Adjust the parameters

Images :

Main Menu

My Game Menu

Recents Game


I still haven’t managed to correct it, if anyone has a solution… Thanks

:warning:The interface inside the game (I run from the web) on studio is expanded to the point that it’s really zoomed in

If you said the menu runs from the web, maybe try to use Ctrl + or Ctrl - (or try the middle mouse button while holding ctrl) ( ctrl = ⌘ on mac )

Nah i lunch game from the web (using Edit in Studio)

Oh, alright. I dont really see a solution to this. Odd… Have tried the old trick, restarting your PC?

I’m going to do it now. I’ll tell you if it works.

Oh thanks ! That work.

:green_square: Solution → Restart Computer

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