Today I’d like to talk about macro keys. So I’ve come across a numkey pad and I decided to try and get into using macros for studio. Partially to save time over the long term but also just because I enjoy tinkering. I’d like to hook up 2 buttons to switch the Roblox Move increments between 0 and 0.2. The only problem is I have no idea what I’m doing.
How would one write a script in Python or Java or whatever to change the Move Increment in Studio to a specific number? I’m looking forward to your responses!
Ah, that solves my first problem. Thank you very much! But now I need to figure out how to hook up the script to select the Scale Increment textbox in the active Studio window and change it to a set float. Do you know how that would be done?
I would first ensure that you’re on the correct tab (click on Model), then replace the text box’s contents. (Ctrl-A backspace 0.whatever?)
I can’t really tell you how to script for AHK specifically because I have never used it. Google would be good for this. First you need to learn the names of the buttons/textbox, then figure out how to trigger than using AHK. Both things there are probably tuts for on google.
I see. I’ve been perusing google for answers but it seems like there are some specific textbox names I need to acquire. Where would I go in my computer to find the names of these things that AHK would recognize?
The trouble I’ve been having with Window Spy is that regardless of where my mouse is or where I click in a Studio window, the output for that window is always the same (ignoring Mouse Position).
Well, I did manage to get it working with the code below about an hour ago using mouse position (x & y being any random point inside the textbox). The only problem is I often switch my studio’s positioning/sizing around depending on if I’m streaming, if I need multiple studio windows open in the same view, etc. It would only work if I were able to somehow obtain the text box and edit it without just smacking the mouse onto a preset position. The image below depicts everything printed in Window Spy under “All Text”
Yeah, I really really hate automating mouse movements like this. I know that clicking the button directly, and focusing the textbox directly would work, but I don’t think Studio uses Windows UI (it definitely uses Qt something).
You could have the hotkey send the mouse movements/clicks to the window you have focused. Then multiple windows wouldn’t matter.
Also I believe the mouse positions are relative to the top left of the window, not your entire screen.
I’ve followed the steps to add a new “Lib” folder under C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey and save Acc.ahk, AccViewer.ahk, and Anchor.ahk, however when I try to run this code
MsgBox % Acc_Get(Acc)
Just gives me an empty MsgBox. Do you have any ideas about what could be the issue here?