Roblox Studio play test bad allocation

Hello, I’m working on my game in studio like always and then suddenly when I play test the game in studio I have a ton of error message saying bad allocation in my console along with “exception while signaling: bad allocation” and when I try to stop the game I have a small popup saying “bad allocation” and when I say ok I’m still in playtest. So here I am stuck in playtest and I can’t exit ( don’t want to alt +F4 to lose data). At some point in the console I have this error too “Batch Thumbnail invalid thumbnail size for type=Avatar&id=100&w=100&h=33745824&filters=: Valid sizes for type Avatar are 100x100, 352x352, 720x720”.

Well when I tried to open a script on the “server” while the playtest was on it just crashed with a " roblox needs to quit sorry" (or something like that already forgot cause I’m angry :confused: )

Maybe you can save it to a file and then exit? I don’t remember if you can save to a file while playtesting.

Iirc it auto saves every time you playtest anyway

It seems like a RAM issue. How much RAM are you using? And how much RAM do you have?

Try to find the script that is using the most RAM using the dev console.

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Yea I just launched it back and I got a autosave so that’s fine I guess but strange

The game is using 1170MB on the client in my new playtest.image
My computer have 8GB RAM but I don’t know how many roblox can use. The strange thing here is that only one of my many playtest had this problem.
Place memory is 407MB with “LuaHeap” making 170 of that

If it happens again, go into task manager and check your RAM usage, also check the dev console for RAM usage.

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