Roblox Studio Re-Design

Hello guys, so like you guys know Roblox recently just did the re-brand the logo but not the whole thing like Roblox studio itself. So I try making some concept that base on Nord themes plus minimalist.

Some of the design base from @mastops12. Thank you for an amazing concept. So if you guys like it, please let me know. Lastly, stay safe and have a great day! :wink:


This looks really nice! :heart_eyes:

The only issue I have is the white bar and buttons. My retinas almost burned out. :fire:


Woah this looks amazing! As said previously the only issue is the white bars but other than that it looks really cool!!

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The UI looks good, however, it doesn’t match a studio. For professional apps and sites, you may have noticed sharp edges instead of rounded ones. Personally, this would be a type of “playful” UI and would lead me to believe that this has less features and is less professional. Just wanted to give feedback on the context as well.


Alright thank you for the feedback, I really appreciate

I love it! But i the tree image is kind of bad, if you can replace it with something it would be better!



I’m speechless why isn’t Roblox studio like this!!
Roblox should hire you your just that good!

I should put some feedback here shouldn’t I
Well, one thing is that everything is a little too round but that’s just me nitpicking.


I love the Re-Design you made. Roblox studio would look great this way. The only reply I have that is bad (rephase: in my opinion and it is not really bad but I don’t like curved edges,) is the curved edges of the launching screen. @so1ehee this looks really good and professional.


Looks good but looks kind of

Also, I’d recommend replacing create with created for the created by 1x1x1x1 part.
Like creation by xyz or created by xyz, create by xyz just really bugs me, no reason

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The buttons seem fine, the white bar though


Thanks for all the feedback, I update the concept base on your feedback. If you have any other feedback, I love to hear it since this is my four or 5th times making design :wink:


Wish ROBLOX could implement this. This is by far, fantastic! The detail that was put into this was phenomenal! The layout is more simple in this, and I like it! Because, it could help younger developers understand the mechanics of Studio! Great job!


The featured creation frame is one of the best things Roblox could add in my opinion. Please Roblox, take notes from this topic.


These look gorgeous, great work!


I LOVE IT, ROBLOX. Take some notes will you!?


it looks very good excellent work!


I have no words, this is really COOL and should be added. Right now Roblox’s user interface looks super outdated and bland, definitely needs a re-design!

:100: /10 nice work

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This looks so good! @Roblox Please make this an actual thing, the actual roblox studio is pretty crappy. I think people would be very happy to see roblox studio looking like this! It’d make good content for big roblox youtubers and might give roblox another big boost in players!


The only thing that frustrates me is that the sidebar is too wide, and it looks pretty empty. (This is all on the 3rd picture)

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The UI design is really nice! Very organized and pleasant to look at. Personally, I think it is a bit too modern for studio, but otherwise nice job!