Roblox Studio Resets Randomly

Whenever I open roblox studio it seems like there is a chance for it to just reset and act like I just installed it for the first time. What is weird is that my studio settings don’t change, but everything else is reset to the default settings, and the pop-up windows, which tell you how stuff works when you click on certain things for the first time, appear again, and my recents section is cleared.

I’ve tried deleting every roblox related file I can find and it still happens.

System Information:
Chip: Apple M1 Pro
OS: macOS-Ventura 13.6.3

I do not know how to recreate this bug, my friend has a mac and it does not happen on it.

Don’t delete the Roblox Studio items.
It’s best to uninstall Studio and then install it again.

That was the first thing i tried, but it didn’t work

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Where do you have Studio installed? Is it in Applications or dropped somewhere else (like desktop, documents etc)… All this info should be stored in a “plist” file under /Users//Library/Preferences/com.roblox.RobloxStudio.plist. If that file is removed, you’ll see the same behavior as you’re seeing now. I’m not actually sure how it would happen. We do have a hidden “resetLayout” button that would have some of the same effect.

What’s the frequency this happens? Not sure there’s much actionable here, but if this happens again it would be good to send all studio logs around the time frame it occurs so we can see if there’s any internal errors which might overwrite this file or something.