Maybe iam doing something wrong but when i send 2arguments to my module script it sends only one of them and sends the first one as the second and the first argument is nil
function LocalGUI.AddAccessory(character,accessory)
local attachment = accessory.Handle:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment")
this is the module script as you ccan see it requires 2 arguments
local accessoryModel = remoteFunction:InvokeServer(v:GetAttribute("WebsiteId"))
accessoryModel.Parent = dummy
this is where i use the arguments dummy = character, accessoryModel = accessory in module script
but when i print them out character = nil and accessory = dummy
it is supposed to load the accessory in the server using insert service and then i locally set it to the dummy but i just realised something maybe i need to put the accessory folder in replicated storage :3
You invoke server sending this:
Sure v contains that Attribute?
On that function, you create a folder and parent it to the Workspace. Then create an accesoryModel and parent it into that folder.
Then you returned that accesoryModel. You now try to parent that model to “dummy”
Where u got that “dummy”?
Then sending that “dummy” and the accesory to the Module function. Does that dummy exist?
everything works now it contains everything its just alot of code thats y i only sent snippets its just that i accidentaly used a semicolon “:” instead of a dot “.”