Roblox Studio stops responding, freezes my computer, or black-screens my computer, or all three

I can’t post in Bug Report so I have to post here.
I have this very irritating problem that’s been occuring for a few days now and it’s really annoying when I try copying and pasting moderate amounts of parts (100-150), my studio stops responding and gives me the white screen, gives me the spinning wheel of death, my spinning wheel then freezes and in rare cases, black-screens. Keep in mind I’ve copied and pasted more parts than this. I’ve been trying to copy and paste a truck over to my friend’s place so we could build together (my tc wasn’t working). I’ve tried copying using Ctrl + C and it did the things listed above. Took about 30 minutes for my computer and studio to start responding again. It lagged so much studio didn’t even realize that I copied. I tried right clicking and copying and it does the same thing. It VERY RARELY actually pastes the parts and models in. I’ve tried removing the new parts that I built, nothing happened. I tried copying and pasting every part, worked like normal. I honestly don’t know what is going on. I reinstalled studio only a week ago by the way. Please help me I want to copy and paste normally again.

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What type of pc are you on? Maybe your pc couldn’t handle roblox studio.

Try upgrading your PC or trouble shooting ROBLOX studio.

PC never had any problems before regarding copying and pasting or Studio in general. I work as a developer for a group. I work on a place with 14,000+ parts with no problem at all.

Does reinstalling studio fix any problems? Because I did a fresh reinstall of Studio a week ago.

In most situations yes, but you can also try to troubleshoot studio, and if all else fails you might just have a bad computer.

Yikes, I don’t know why my computer is just now having problems with studio. Never did that before. Really odd.

You should discuss this with Roblox’s technical support team, it’ll be more effective since not much Roblox staff can really find your message here in Scripting Support.

Yeah the only other thing I can think of is to check for viruses? Sometimes they slow down clients.

The main cause of this could be a virus inserted into Roblox Studio, causing everlasting lag when copy pasting. If that’s not the case, then again, this should be discussed with Roblox’s technical support team as they can help you better.

I’m not the one asking for help I’m just replying to him.

Yeah, this was meant for him, kind of was supposed to reply to him but mistakenly pressed on the ‘Reply’ button of your reply. My bad.

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Yikes, do you think another fresh reinstall of Roblox will help?

It’s alright, mistakes happen all the time. :smile:

No, you’ve already reinstalled Roblox Studio, doing that again won’t really fix anything. Let me repeat myself - try and discuss this with Roblox’s technical support team as that would be more efficient in order to troubleshoot what the problem is.