What solutions have you thought of so far?
i tried to open up studio again and close out all the tabs but it gliched again when i tried to open a plugin or move something like the toolbox or property window
After that, you should include more details if you have any. Try to make your topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help you!
this is also my first topic so sorry if i did something wrong
If you grab one of the window titles and drag it towards the centre of the Studio window, hopefully you will see a set of boxes appear arranged in a cross shape. Just drop it in to the centre one to re-anchor the window in to the main studio window.
I have tried this and sadly it didn’t work, it changed nothing execpt make it look more glichy. But for some reason everything is back to normal after closing studio and opening it multiple times so i don’t really know what happened. Thanks for replying though!
Alright i think i found the cause, i had this plugin named " ThreeDText 2" heres the link: ThreeDText 2 - Roblox
This plugin may have been the cause of all this since this problem only happened when i enabled the plugin, and the problem went away when i uninstalled the plugin. EDIT: this actually didn’t work as it hit me again while trying to test with two studios.