Hey! Thanks for visiting this post, and another thanks for when you reply.
The goal
- I want to replicate the Studio’s ‘Zoom To’ action in a plugin, like this:
The issue
- I have little knowledge about plugin API
- I have little knowledge about studio’s camera manipulation using plugin
The tried-and-failed
- Using CFrame.lookAt works a little, but it doesn’t set the camera’s pivot point to the subject.
(This is my attempt of a minimum viable solution)
workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(subject.Position + Vector3.new(0,0, -5), subject.Position
- Setting camera subject doesn’t work; it does nothing.
workspace.CurretCamera.CameraSubject = subject
- I know I’m not the only one facing this, @xsixx’s Moon Animator plugin also tries to replicate the same behavior, which partly works, but the pivot point becomes wierd.
– whoops, I kinda made the GIF too long & its file size too big, now I’m too lazy to recapture the GIF, but it works like the 2nd GIF
Unrelated stuff
- On a side note, I reccommend you to dump Gyazo and use ShareX, much more features without paying anything.
- I noticed you can pause / unpause local GIF files by clicking on it, cool.
- when press F, cam orbits around object. how do this with plugin?