Roblox Studio's most recent update seems to cause my skinned mesh to display unwanted visual artifacts

After updating my Roblox Studio, I cannot have my custom avatars pose set to anything but the default without getting these visual errors displayed throughout the mesh. Animating only exacerbates this issue and causes the mesh to flicker with these unwanted visual artifacts. They show up as randomly sized black patches and will also appear in wireframe mode. They do not display outside of studio however, they are present whenever I use the single player mode in studio.

I’ve tried to find the source of this issue but as far as I can tell there isn’t much I can do. It has the appearance of 2 overlayed objects Z-fighting but I can’t seem to find any duplicated mesh parts, I also tried setting the mesh to double sided to no avail. The only real way I can get rid of this bug on my end is to set the transparency to 0.001. However, I would consider that more of a work around rather than an ideal solution, due to 0.001 transparency looking very different from the normal 0 transparency setting.

And with that, I have given you the extent of my knowledge on this issue. I really do hope this message was helpful and I will be patiently awaiting your teams response.

Example A:

Example B:

First seen: 07/13/23


any update on this?, im still having the same issue.

Sometimes there’ll be a studio update or a Roblox update that patches it but it almost always gets reverted an update or two later. The issue usually effects either only studio or the in game version of Roblox or sometimes both simultaneously. Not really too sure what’s happening but after seeing some other posts on the issue I’ve been able to deduce that it’s most likely a Mac only bug, so a proper fix probably won’t be prioritized for a while unfortunately.

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Looks like this was fixed over here! Thanks everyone. (MacOS RENDERING BUG) Black Dots Flickering on Skinned Meshes

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