(MacOS RENDERING BUG) Black Dots Flickering on Skinned Meshes

It was working fine yesterday, but this morning I noticed all the characters in the my game started flickering small black dots all over. It only happens in game but not in Studio.

This is happening on a 2021 MacBook Pro (Apple M1 Pro Chip) (Ventura 13.4 OS)


This has been happening for me as well. I also have a MacBook so this may just be a Mac exclusive bug. Hoping this gets fixed soon.


I’ve spoken to a few other people about it and it does appear to be a MacOS issue only. I’m pretty sure for Ventura 13.4.

I hope they fix this.

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In addition I’d like to mention that at certain points I saw point lights reflecting on certain parts flickering in strange ways as well (Even parts that aren’t skinned meshes). They weren’t black dots though it was just like flickering in color/brightness a bit (Future Lighting). I haven’t encountered that specific issue recently but next time I do i’ll get a recording of it. For now it’s just the black dots on skinned meshes mostly.

Here it is happening with some layered clothing I bought


(as you can see this is a very serious issue)

Thanks for the report. We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


any news? this is really starting to become an issue for me, i have this happen in studio aswell though.

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hello, sorry for this taking a bit but we believe we have a fix and the flags are gonna be flipped as soon as its shipped everywhere


This was fixed! Closing out the thread.

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