Roblox Subkey errors in output

this may need to be moved to bug reports, hope a moderator or admin is willing to do this

during development of a a few test places, i keep getting this error. this is occurring on a teamcreate owned by a group, a private teamcreate,a published test game as well as on a local file.
in terms of test ive performed with this error occurring:
1 studio by itself
90 instances of studio as clients with 1 studio as server during testing
1 studio and 1 standard game client
1 studio and 1 windows 10 client
1 studio and both win 10 client and standard client on games
10 studios and both clients
the error that occurs:
20:28:25.557 - QT ERROR: QSettings: RegEnumValue failed: (x2)
20:32:25.557 - QT ERROR: QSettings: RegQueryInfoKey() failed:
20:32:25.557 - QT ERROR: QSettings: RegDeleteKey failed on subkey “2”:
20:32:25.558 - QT ERROR: QSettings: RegDeleteKey failed on key “Roblox Quick Access Config”:
20:34:25.559 - QT ERROR: QSettings: RegQueryInfoKey() failed:
the subkeys that fail most often are 1,2,4,8,10-12
is this a known issue?

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