Roblox Support acting Weird

Hello Developers , who know how to fix error

Something went wrong, please try again later

I’ve been trying to fix this error for an hour now, but nothing helps. I logged out of my account when I got banned for no good reason. When I go into my account to me says that my nickname is not written correctly, I log out of the account on the advice of other topics

What did I get banned for? and for bad moderation roblox , I released a module for my game and immediately got banned because of bypass systems roblox

Who know how to fix it , please reply



If you got " Something went wrong, please try again later" message
Try use a VPN and change your location to another location (I tried that when I was banned and it worked)

and If that doesn’t help you. You have to wait for a while, like a day or a week

also please move your topic to


Thanks it helped ,but roblox ignoring me 1 day 9 hours