Roblox takes the right to moderate archived assets

So, to keep everything as simple and clear as possible, Roblox can still warn you and copyright strike you for copyrighted assets you’ve archived.

For example, Ive archived this copyrighted asset called “adidas” a long time ago as shown there:

And guess what ? They copyright striked me for that !!! yay !!

And the fun fact is that they said that they would not moderate my account in any way, in an official email from their copyright agents:


Also, as a true hero, I’ve read the whole Roblox ToS again and nothing says that they have the right to moderate archived assets, since they’re not visible anymore to anyone.

Expected behavior

What I expect to happen is that you leave me in peace and let me play Roblox normally without warning me for copyrighted deleted assets ??? It sounds right, huh ?

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This is the intended behavior.
In section b of the “Intellectual Property and UGC” heading (section 6) of Roblox’s Terms of Use, it says:

“Roblox has the right but not the obligation to monitor, modify, disable access to, or remove any UGC on its Services, and it may exercise these rights at any time, without notice or liability to you or any third party.”

In section e of the same heading, it says:

“However, we take intellectual property rights seriously, and, upon receipt of a valid trademark infringement notice, we will investigate and may remove content that engages in trademark infringement.”

You can find more information about the Terms of Use here:

The content is still available on the platform, even if archived, and those who previously purchased it can still use it freely across the platform, meaning it may still be subject to moderation.

As stated by Roblox staff, archiving only leads to the following changes:

"When we archive an avatar item, we are making the following changes:

  • Your item will no longer be discoverable in Marketplace, and additional users will not be able to acquire it.
  • Existing owners of your item will continue owning the item in the inventory and be able to wear it on their avatar.
  • The underlying development assets for the avatar item will continue to exist, and the archived avatar item can still be inserted via Studio if the assetID is known."

Contrary to what you stated in your original post, deleted assets and archived assets are completely different.

In the same announcement from staff, it also says:

“An archived item may still be the subject of an IP takedown report, but your decision to archive the item will be considered when applying any account penalties related to the IP report.”

For more information, please check out the original announcement and I recommend reading it: How to Archive Avatar Items

Regarding the sentence “No strike or moderation action should be applied to your account as a result of this request”:

The staff member explains that the process of archiving itself won’t lead to moderation or consequences, but it doesn’t mean the item is exempt from moderation at all—it just means no action is taken due to the archiving process itself.

This does not mean that the item will never be moderated; it only means that no action will be taken when you click that button or do whatever for archiving. Actually, if this weren’t the case, the phrase “An archived item may still be the subject of an IP takedown report” shouldn’t even apply.

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.