Roblox Terrain color "Cancel" button is not working

Description: When attempting to cancel changing terrain colors, the color will save. Also, after pressing “Cancel,” when attempting to undo this, it will undo the terrain color change and the most recent action.

Date started: Not sure when this started; however, I only noticed this recently.


  • Go into Roblox Studio
  • Change a terrain color
  • Press “Cancel”

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Hello, I’m taking a look at this now. What do you mean by changing Terrain Colors? Like in the properties panel? I don’t currently see a cancel button at all.

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Yes, that’s correct. The cancel button I’m talking about is the one on the select color menu


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Hi @ProtoValence, is there any update on this?

There are not, I’ve forwarded this to a different team, since I don’t work on Studio UI directly. It looks like its been assigned to someone’s backlog, I can double check with them to see when they intend to start working on the issue.


Bump. Still exists and when you do change the color you cannot undo it either, extremely painful.