Roblox Terrain feature tips

Hello! I am Kairo and wanted to start working with the Roblox terrain feature. The terrain feature has been used quite often in games, and one of the games where it got used very nicely is W//Z. Here I wanted to ask for some tips on how to make big maps with the terrain feature and how to get smooth ground/walls or whatever I plan to do. I have been making the rough form of what I wanted to achieve with “Add” and then used “grow” and “smooth” but they never become as smooth as the terrain in for example W//Z.



I will use Fantastic Frontier’s technique to make vast land. Enlarge your terrain generation tool to the largest size and make the shape of the cube. Make a very rough idea of the shape of your map using the add tool. Once you have done that, if you want good terrain, slowly reduce, smooth and add again the terrain on your map. Good terrain takes a lot of time. Let’s see how far you get then reply to this message with an example of what you have done and what you need help with.



For hills and mountains, do you use the cube too or the sphere?

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If you want I suggest a giant cube of which you can shape after. Though spheres will be good if you want to make something very very tall and thin.


It’s much easier to make it out of squares then carve it using the erode tool. it’s less messy than growing from scratch

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Ok, what I tried smoothing it out as much as possible, to show my progress I took a picture of the new one where I took your advice by heart and a picture of a hill before I posted this topic.



I thank you very much, this has helped me a LOT. I just got one more question, do you use the cube to smooth things out or the sphere. Of course I will try to get things even smoother!