Roblox Terrain Generator V3.0

Terrain generator V3.0

I am working on a terrain generator since some time now and i have reached Version 3.0 and i never made a new teaser since the realese of V 1.0. In the last 2 Version i added fully procedural terrain and a new block placing algorithm that lowers the partcount 14 times. I added a block placements system that works with the new algorithm. Trees were added to the generator too.

Updates will come in the future and and open alpha for the game will come soon.

My discord server

Showcase videos:
Gameplay of the terrain generator
Technical showcase


reminds me of terraria but still very cool


The game will actually be inspired by terraria. But i wanna try to not come to close to the mechanics of terraria.

It reminds me of “The Blockheads”.

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