I am creating a fighting game and I am wondering if it would be against TOS to allow players to bet on the player they think is going to win a fight.
Players would be doubling their money if the player they bet on wins and losing the money if the person they bet on loses. I think it could create an interesting dynamic to keep players who are not fighting engaged.
The currency players would be using could only be earned in game, and subsequently only spent on either betting or cosmetics. The way I have it envisioned, players could also buy a robux-only currency that could also be spent on cosmetics but not used to bet.
That being said, I am pretty happy not being banned and dont want to take any chances (ironic, I know), so any feedback would be appreciated!
Except where prohibited by local law or regulation, we allow the portrayal of gambling in experiences. However, no real money, Robux, or in-experience items of value may be exchanged in connection with any gambling activities. We also require that the odds of winning be fair and clearly disclosed to the user prior to playing.
IMO, you technically can’t disclose odds, since it’s would be player-based and would therefore be impossible to calculate the chances of which Player wins
I think losing the money if the person they bet on loses" would probably cause some troubles. Judging from Roblox’s innovation awards “prediction system” Roblox Innovation Awards 2024 - Voting Hub - Roblox you can definitely let players put predictions on who they think will win.
As long as you make it clear “if this person wins you will get 100 cash”, like they do with their prediction system.
Definitely take a look into how they do it in the voting hub it would give you a rough guide on how to keep it TOS friendly.
Originally I thought despite these activities being explicitly against ToS that these sorts of games are not allowed, but clearly I was wrong as they are still up after years of operation.
Hopefully this clears things up for everyone reading!