local vehicleSeat = workspace.Base.VehicleSeat
local motorFR = workspace.WheelFR:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("CylindricalConstraint", true)
local motorFL = workspace.WheelFL:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("CylindricalConstraint", true)
local motorBR = workspace.WheelBR:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("CylindricalConstraint", true)
local motorBL = workspace.WheelBL:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("CylindricalConstraint", true)
local springFR = workspace.WheelFR:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("SpringConstraint", true)
local springFL = workspace.WheelFL:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("SpringConstraint", true)
local springBR = workspace.WheelBR:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("SpringConstraint", true)
local springBL = workspace.WheelBL:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("SpringConstraint", true)
local wheelHingeR = workspace.WheelFR:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("HingeConstraint", true)
local wheelHingeL = workspace.WheelFL:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("HingeConstraint", true)
-- Factor of torque applied to get the wheels spinning
-- Larger number generally means faster acceleration
local TORQUE = 10000
-- Factor of torque applied to change the wheel direction
-- Larger number generally means faster braking
local BRAKING_TORQUE = 8000
-- Max angle the wheels will reach when turning
-- Higher number means sharper turning, but too high means the wheels might hit the car base
local MAX_TURN_ANGLE = 45
-- Car max speed
local MAX_SPEED = 140
-- Set the "MotorMaxTorque" property on all of the CylindricalConstraint motors
local function setMotorTorque(torque)
motorFR.MotorMaxTorque = torque
motorFL.MotorMaxTorque = torque
motorBR.MotorMaxTorque = torque
motorBL.MotorMaxTorque = torque
-- Set the "AngularVelocity" property on all of the CylindricalConstraint motors
local function setMotorVelocity(vel)
motorFL.AngularVelocity = vel
motorBL.AngularVelocity = vel
-- Motors on the right side are facing the opposite direction, so negative velocity must be used
motorFR.AngularVelocity = -vel
motorBR.AngularVelocity = -vel
-- Calculate the average linear velocity of the car based on the rate at which all wheels are spinning
local function getAverageVelocity()
local vFR = -motorFR.Attachment1.WorldAxis:Dot(motorFR.Attachment1.Parent.RotVelocity)
local vRR = -motorBR.Attachment1.WorldAxis:Dot(motorBR.Attachment1.Parent.RotVelocity)
local vFL = motorFL.Attachment1.WorldAxis:Dot(motorFL.Attachment1.Parent.RotVelocity)
local vRL = motorBL.Attachment1.WorldAxis:Dot(motorBL.Attachment1.Parent.RotVelocity)
return 0.25 * ( vFR + vFL + vRR + vRL )
while true do
-- Input values taken from the VehicleSeat
local steerFloat = vehicleSeat.SteerFloat -- Forward and backward direction, between -1 and 1
local throttle = vehicleSeat.ThrottleFloat -- Left and right direction, between -1 and 1
-- Convert "steerFloat" to an angle for the HingeConstraint servos
local turnAngle = steerFloat * MAX_TURN_ANGLE
wheelHingeR.TargetAngle = turnAngle
wheelHingeL.TargetAngle = turnAngle
-- Apply torque to the CylindricalConstraint motors depending on our throttle input and the current speed of the car
local currentVel = getAverageVelocity()
local targetVel = 0
local motorTorque = 0
-- Idling
if math.abs(throttle) < 0.1 then
motorTorque = 100
-- Accelerating
elseif math.abs(throttle * currentVel) > 0 then
-- Reduce torque with speed (if torque was constant, there would be a jerk reaching the target velocity)
-- This also produces a reduction in speed when turning
local r = math.abs(currentVel) / MAX_SPEED
-- Torque should be more sensitive to input at low throttle than high, so square the "throttle" value
motorTorque = math.exp( - 3 * r * r ) * TORQUE * throttle * throttle
targetVel = math.sign(throttle) * 10000 -- Arbitrary large number
-- Braking
motorTorque = BRAKING_TORQUE * throttle * throttle
-- Use helper functions to apply torque and target velocity to all motors
You have a WeldConstraint between each WheelMount and the base. Those are keeping the wheels from turning. Delete those and you are off and running-- mostly. On each HingeConstraint, if you check LimitsEnabled (it will default to 45 and -45 degrees) it will keep your wheels from turning too far as you drive around.