This is the best I could do with a 10 minute timer.
So, I did a thing, I redesigned the Roblox Player UI and I wanted to see what yalls opinion on it is.
Took me 10 minutes, with a timer.
Hope you have a great day!
This is the best I could do with a 10 minute timer.
Took me 10 minutes, with a timer.
Hope you have a great day!
Alright, this looks pretty decent although you might want to work on your UI padding and gradients. Might also want to fix some fonts and some icon sizes. Otherwise it looks pretty nice – especially for 10 minutes.
I agree with @lego_rulles here. You need to work on your gradients. The pictures are also a little too big you could have shrunk them down a bit and it would have been fine. Padding could have been a little better as it seems like the texts are super constrained to the walls or borders of frames. You also have a lot of empty- “whitespace” - around this which also isn’t good at all. Also if they don’t have friends you didn’t even need to add the placeholder objects just replace those with your no friends text. The game cards should be a little bigger especially if that’s supposed to be the featured section. You could implement the name, picture, description and likes and favorites all together on the one card.
The design is neat and minimalist, which I like to a certain degree. I suggest you decrease the size of the buttons, such as the Roblox Icon in the top right, and the Join Button on different games. I agree with @lego_rulles as well, if there was some gradient on the Join Buttons and the Icons on the left sidebar, it would have looked more pleasant to the eye. However, I understand this was done with a limited amount of time, and for 10 minutes it looks very good in my opinion. Keep it up.
There’s no padding and the icons are overly large, really bad for UX all around.
Ay, thanks for the feedback!
Yeah, I can 100% do that, but, 10 minutes is all I had and it’s kinda rushed.
I only had 10 minutes, read, like srsly, readđź’€
From the comments, I have to agree that the user experience (UX) is not the best. Yet, there is a question that remains unanswered, why did you make it specifically with a timer of 10 minutes?
Most UI/UX Designers wouldn’t do it in a rush time, because the result would look average and amateur. And, since this is feedback, I unfortunately will have to say straightforwardly that the redesign is not good…
Overall, this is my perspective and my constructive feedback on your creation and I hope it can help you understand my idea and how you can improve it.
This Roblox redesign looks good! The current UI is better in my opinion, mainly because of the colors. But nice job on this!
Well, First, I don’t do UI often, this is like the 5th time, i just did this as a fun project, I’m more into 3d modeling, but, yeah.
Thank you ! I really appreciate it, I do like the current Roblox UI, but, it needs a redesign, it just seems outdated.
quite possibly the most nausea-inducing thing i’ve seen during my time on the dev forum