Roblox United Nations Community (UNC): Your Hub for Global Collaboration!

Welcome to the United Nations Community (UNC) on Roblox! :globe_with_meridians:

The United Nations Community (UNC) is the largest Roblox United Nations simulation, where nations come together for weekly sessions, general assemblies, and dynamic events. It’s a place to network, grow, and engage with a thriving community of ro-nations.

What is the United Nations Community (UNC)?

The UNC is a Roblox simulation of the United Nations, where ro-nations gather to:

  • Participate in General Assemblies and Security Council sessions.
  • Discuss, vote, and collaborate on various global matters.
  • Access development resources for enhancing your nation.
  • Join weekly in-game events and sessions to grow and engage with the community.

We provide opportunities for everyone to participate and become integral members of this vibrant community.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the times for weekly sessions?

  • General Assembly: Saturday @ 5 PM UTC
  • Eastern Hemisphere GA: Saturday @ 7 AM UTC
  • Security Council: Saturday @ 7 PM UTC

2. How do I join the United Nations as a nation, observer, or organization? To join the UNC, you must meet specific prerequisites based on your group type (see below).

Membership Requirements

To join as a Member State:

  • Have a ROBLOX group with at least 50 members.
  • Possess a ROBLOX game associated with your nation.
  • Have a Discord server related to your group.
  • Pass a majority vote in the General Assembly (and Security Council for fictional nations).

To join as an Observer State:

  • Have a ROBLOX group with at least 25 members.
  • Possess a ROBLOX game associated with your nation.
  • Pass a majority vote in the General Assembly (and Security Council for fictional nations).

To join as an Organization:

  • Have a ROBLOX group.
  • Be allied with at least two member/observer nations.
  • Pass a majority vote in both the General Assembly and Security Council.

To join as a Criminal Organization:

  • Have a ROBLOX group with at least 15 members.
  • Have a communication server with at least 10 members.
  • Adhere to ROBLOX Terms of Service.

How to Thrive in the United Nations Community

1. Create Alliances:
Friends and allies are critical to your nation’s success. Forming connections with other nations and organizations can help you achieve mutual growth, prosperity, and influence.

2. Actively Participate:
Engage in events like:

  • Sessions and meetings
  • Debates
  • Battles
  • Gamernights

Encourage your citizens to join UNC activities. Participation increases your nation’s visibility and influence within the community.

3. Stabilize and Grow Your Government:
Ensure your nation has enough participants to stay functional. Key positions to fill include:

  • Developers
  • Military leadership
  • Domestic and governance roles
  • Diplomats
  • Legal advisors

4. Keep Your Nation Unique and Active:
Only one group representing each nation is recognized in the UNC. For example, there can only be one United Kingdom group. Keep your members engaged and innovative to maintain your position.

For more information, join our group: [UNC] United Nations Community - Roblox

Agenda: United Nations Hub | Trello

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