ROBLOX 'Upgrading' every time I join a game

Whenever I join a game, the upgrading screen opens up and takes about 30 seconds (obviously, very annoying) even though I have already updated.

Is this a known issue?


I am getting this with studio, every time i open it, it “upgrades”

Almost as annoying as Discord with their update loops, where you get the update notification every 5 minutes.


Someone probably forgot to change the version hashes on the update so it keeps thinking it’s not updated

Same here, the launcher just stays on the loading bar 95% of the time, and the other 5% it has to upgrade. Also I can’t download ROBLOX at all. So it must be a web bug too?

This happens to me as well.

Dissable Anti Virus programs, and keep windows/OS up to date.

That isn’t a working solution. This is happening for everyone.


This is happening to me right now with studio. The only free time I’ve got to develop my game again and it all goes wrong :sad:

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Well don’t put “Everyone” under the same umbrella.
I don’t have this issue.

They fixed it before you posted.

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Closing to avoid bumps. This issue was resolved in 2017.