Roblox uploaded audio doesn't show up?

I’m not sure whats happening, but i was trying to upload some music from F-777 into roblox, especifically F-777 - Deadlocked. However, when i uploaded it, the audio just didn’t show up in the Creator Dashboard, neither in audios, i tried uploading it 2 more times, and yet again, they didn’t show up. I tried logging off and logging on to my account again and that didn’t fix it either.

Does anyone here have this issue too or is it just me? I need to get this fixed as quick as possible.


did you upload in studio or creator dashboard?

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I have the same issue right now!


Im experiencing the same issue. Roblox has been acting up a lot for me recently.

Pending funds dont show up until 15-90 minutes after someone bought my gamepass/shirt, and now audio doesnt show up when I just uploaded it. Im guessing it will show up in a few hours.

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If you are still experiencing this issue, do this:

Go to Roblox Studio > View > Asset Manager > Audio > Upload your audio

It will automatically show up and it will allow you to insert it or copy the ID


exact same issue but with scripts / models

I got that too. Pretty annoying lol, I can’t do anything regarding e.g. engine sounds

Go to Roblox Studio > View > Asset Manager > Whatever you want to upload

And you will be able to upload stuff quickly


same issue here, already uploaded three times but nothing.

Did you try this?

Happens to me everytime, the audio does appear after a couple minutes or hours

@Blacklightsy Could you mark my post as a solution so people can see it quicker : )


you’re a lifesaver!!!

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