Roblox VC is not working in experience - [SOLVED]

VC will not work in a VC enabled game

[ Not VC suspended ]

Hello fellow developers! I’m currently creating a VC game on the platform, but I just opened it up today to test it’s VC and other functionality and for some reason no matter if I restart the server, shutdown and re-open the game, or turn VC globally on or off, the VC settings/availability will not pop up!


(Proof VC is enabled)

VC not connecting and no settings appearing:

Help me out with this issue

If any staff or knowledgeable members of the roblox community could help me out, that’d be great. I have no idea what’s going on with the game’s VC functions.

I’ve already tried multiple different post suggestions but this issue seems unique since my VC in other games is working and I am not VC suspended on the platform.


If you need more information, ask me I’ll be actively looking at this post for replies from roblox engineers/staff or general community members!


Quick update which deserves it’s own separate reply;

I attempted to open the 17+ version of this game and test VC there (it’s a separate experience) under the same group and it is still not working *keep in mind there is no moderation VC action against my account, and I had multiple people test it with me

I really need some help identifying the issue here!


After a quick rejoin the VC in the 17+ version is working, though the all ages version is not currently functioning.


Roblox just being roblox I guess… : /

Let me know though if you find a fix to everything, if not I’d contact support or make a bug report if you have access.


Sadly I don’t have access to bug reports, but I could always message DevRel or maybe if I’m lucky a ROBLOX employee sees this post and helps me out… :c

I don’t know if anybody would have a fix for this issue, hopefully they do. This is my game ya know? :sob:



The issue with the voice-chat of my game stemmed from having more than 50 player servers, turns out Roblox does not support voice chat with servers that have more than 50+ player limits.

With that being said, Roblox does not notify you if your server over-exceeds the limit, and the game will still display, ‘voice chat’ enabled even though no servers on the game will function properly.


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