Roblox Vehicle Suspension Issue

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    Below, will be a video of what happens - every time a vehicle spawns the bus flings upwards and does weird stuff. I want to fix this to how it was before: Suspension enabled in the A-Chassis Script working normally. This happens across all of my games, and didn’t happen before until recently. No script changes were made before and after.

  2. What is the issue? Vehicles flinging when spawned if Suspension is enabled in the A-Chassis script.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?

*Disabling suspension in A-Chassis (worked, but severely downgrades the driving experience, this is my last resort
*Trying it in another game - same issue
*Changing the spring force around, didn’t work
*Came onto DevFourm and it seemed to be linked to a Roblox update??? Tried the fixes in Workspace they suggested > Pausing Physics update causing Characters to Fling in game(s) - #13 by nxum (similar to whats happening to me)


Tune.SusEnabled		= true		-- Sets whether suspension is enabled for PGS

--Front Suspension
Tune.FSusStiffness	= 25000		-- Spring Force
Tune.FSusDamping	= 400		-- Spring Dampening
Tune.FAntiRoll 		= 400		-- Anti-Roll (Gyro Dampening)

Tune.FSusLength		= 3		-- Resting Suspension length (in studs)
Tune.FPreCompress	= .1		-- Pre-compression adds resting length force
Tune.FExtensionLim	= .4		-- Max Extension Travel (in studs)
Tune.FCompressLim	= .2		-- Max Compression Travel (in studs)
Tune.FSusAngle		= 75		-- Suspension Angle (degrees from horizontal)

Tune.FWsBoneLen		= 5			-- Wishbone Length
Tune.FWsBoneAngle	= 2			-- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal)
Tune.FAnchorOffset	= {			-- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel)
	--[[Lateral]]		-.4		,	-- positive = outward
	--[[Vertical]]		-.5		,	-- positive = upward
	--[[Forward]]		0		}	-- positive = forward

--Rear Suspension
Tune.RSusStiffness	= 20000		-- Spring Force
Tune.RSusDamping	= 400		-- Spring Dampening
Tune.RAntiRoll 		= 400		-- Anti-Roll (Gyro Dampening)

Tune.RSusLength		= 2.1		-- Resting Suspension length (in studs)
Tune.RPreCompress	= .1		-- Pre-compression adds resting length force
Tune.RExtensionLim	= .4		-- Max Extension Travel (in studs)
Tune.RCompressLim	= .2		-- Max Compression Travel (in studs)
Tune.RSusAngle		= 80		-- Suspension Angle (degrees from horizontal)

Tune.RWsBoneLen		= 5			-- Wishbone Length
Tune.RWsBoneAngle	= 2			-- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal)
Tune.RAnchorOffset	= {			-- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel)
	--[[Lateral]]		-.4		,	-- positive = outward
	--[[Vertical]]		-.5		,	-- positive = upward
	--[[Forward]]		0		}	-- positive = forward

Not sure if this is a script issue or a game issue. The attachments of what is happening are linked here:
robloxapp-20240720-2023261.wmv (1.3 MB)
robloxapp-20240721-1956107.wmv (3.4 MB)
Thanks for your time.

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I remember they changed the density which also messed up others a chassis. Try checking thr physical properties.

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Hi, is that in the script or somewhere else in the game? Thanks!

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