Roblox Virus Help

Hey please help. So everytime I press play on any of my games in studio It prompts me with a “Admin Commands” Gamepass. No matter if im in a plain baseplate or not.


You have a malicious plugin. Go through your plugins, disable suspicious ones until it stops. Then report that plugin.

Free models also contain viruses commonly, so yeah move all fremodels in your game to serverstorage(scripts dont work there basically quarantine zone) then run the game again and see if you get that gamepass prompt again

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Disable third party sales in home/game settings/security/allow third party sales: false.

Also use Ctrl shift F to search through all scripts. But first option will work. Might fill your console though.

Require is not mostly used for prompts, they are used for Server-Sided executors (FE executor for skids), removing require might break some scripts so they should search for getfenv() at most.

Most scripts tend to hide in instances such as SoundService or NonReplicatedCSGDictionaryService. Check each service for suspicious objects.

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Here’s my advice:

  • Delete any plugins by unknown developers [some of the plugins that you shouldn’t remove would of been made by AlreadyPro, ZacBytes, xSIXx and TwentyTwoPilots]
  • Search for ‘getfenv’ or ‘require’ and check if you have any of those

I agree with the others. Check your plugins and the creators. Any creators with sketchy models, delete the plugin. Not sure if this will help much, but I made a post on some of these things.