Roblox VR - UI Update

Ah, sorry 'bout that. :sweat_smile:



Yeah I figured it out a long time ago, I was just making a point that the old UI wasn’t very accessible. :slight_smile:


From what I remember of when I last visited Royale High and Koala Cafe in VR, you’re right about how it’s down far enough that I have to look down to see it, which is good.

However, I do think it would be cool if there was a way to hide the whole bar, like holding the menu button for a second (since just pressing it shows/hides the ScreenGui). That way, it could hide all ScreenGui and CoreGui, giving a completely clear view of experiences’ worlds until it’s pressed again or something.

It’s something that I liked about the old VR UI; The only Gui that was always visible was a random controller icon in the upper-right corner; If an experience hid its Gui (like mine) in VR, it basically “opened the window” to the virtual world without anything floating in front of me. (On the other hand, the new ScreenGui interaction is a big improvement over the old “press menu then click on things” method.)


There are 3 types of menu access that players might want to bring up, the headset menu (e.g. Oculus Menu), the Roblox System Menu, and access to the game’s UI. Some controllers don’t have multiple menu buttons.

Will take your feedback into consideration, always looking to improve the experience.


Appreciate the details - we’ll look into the issues and if we have difficult reproducing these, will gather more info from you.


This is a Nexus VR bug, and has since been fixed. However, some games may still have this issue (see Looping SetCoreGuiEnabled Tanks VR Framerate)


Good Update! I have a few suggestions and issues though.


  • VR Keyboard for TextBoxes/Chat
  • Chat, Leaderboard, Emotes and Backpack GUIs intergrated with bottombar
  • Support for changing speed of smooth rotation and snap turning
  • Support for Adorneeing and resizing the VR 2D gui to a Part
  • Support gamepad navigation on menus if pointing is not possible
  • Voice chat buttons on bottombar (unmute, mute all players etc)


  • Gamepad controls are shown when selecting on controls, and it clips out of its frame too
  • ClipsDescendants still appears to be on for the VR 2D gui frame. Maybe a toggle in VRService?
  • When using SteamVR with an Oculus Quest headset, Roblox uses Vive binds instead of Touch binds. This makes it impossible to play some games (No ABXY)
  • Emotes menu button should be hidden in R6 only games as they do not support Emotes, or when the emotes menu is disabled by a localscript
  • BubbleChat only chat frame does not appear
  • No home screen support (The universal app is forced out now, this should be a no-brainer at this point)

Yes finally a update to the VR UI! :ok_hand:

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When using SteamVR with an Oculus Quest headset, Roblox uses Vive binds instead of Touch binds. This makes it impossible to play some games (No ABXY)

Same thing with the Valve Index controllers. It’s almost impossible to play any VR game because most of the buttons don’t work.


Can you, or someone with the Knuckles controllers, run this snippet in a LocalScript and tell me what the response is when they press the buttons on the Knuckles controllers?

while true do
game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:connect(function(inputobject) print(inputobject.KeyCode.Name, inputobject.UserInputType.Name) end)
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Left A, B is X, Y and right A, B is X and A. Left trigger is LTrigger2, right trigger is invalid. Grip L is LTrigger1 and Grip R is RTrigger2.

The output logs fill with 5000 results after clicking the button so its hard to get the full picture because it immediately clears after clicking another button. Honestly it just took 20 min trying to get the VR to work with Studio and it caused all but the viewport and output log to blank and turn black and become incredibly laggy.

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Here’s a different version that responds by putting the result into a parent GUI object instead:

wait(2) -- necessary to prevent a waitForChild disconnection

while true do
wait(.1) -- small edit to give VR more frametime
game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:connect(function(inputobject) script.Parent.Text = "." .. inputobject.KeyCode.Name .. ", "  .. inputobject.UserInputType.Name .. ".") end)

Both A buttons are X now? That seems wacky. Also seems weird that RTrigger does nothing because that used to be the button to activate the dedicated UI Cursor, except I’d assume Roblox aren’t straight up turning VR controllers into regular controllers.

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Honestly, take what I said earlier with a grain of salt, I had a lot of issues getting the VR to work in studio, and the logs didn’t work as expected so I might have messed things up.

I’ll get back to you with a more accurate analysis using your new script when I get the chance.

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You’re constantly creating numerous event connections every ~0.1 seconds for the input to be listened to, which is very inefficient and something to definitely avoid.

I unfortunately don’t own VR myself, but I’m trying to provide better practice here.
One connection is enough to receive an output each time an input is made.

game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:Connect(function(input: InputObject, gameProcessedEvent: boolean)
     print(input.KeyCode.Name, input.UserInputType.Name)

Thank you so much for this update! This is an incredible change to the roblox vr’s UI, and navigating through the menu in vr now seems to be improved dramtically! I do have some feedback regarding this update and some potential suggestions and ideas on improving Roblox VR. :slight_smile:

  • Any sort of performance improvements related to Roblox VR and even potentionally the entire roblox player itself which roblox vr is running from would be amazing! The overall performance in vr is strongly dependent on which games on Roblox that you are playing that are well optimized. Most games that I have joined from personal experience, seem to have performance issues which leads to low fps, and minor stutters here and there. Possibly allowing roblox to use more cpu power while playing would be immensely helpful, as for the gpu performance, I think it’s alright where it currently is, for right now at least!

  • The oculus touch controllers when playing roblox via steam vr still do not seem to work properly. I would love to see this possibly get addressed in a future update, and checking that the controls set for quest users is running on touch controls would very likely fix this issue.

  • There seems to be a minor bug within roblox ui menu, where upon clicking on the button on the ui menu to pull up the menu, it will not work as intended.

  • This may be a minor bug as well, but my controllers within steamvr while launching a roblox vr game not seem to be displaying the correct position whilst in game. They appear to be displaying the roblox cursor in a slightly different direction.

  • I would very much love to see a virtual keyboard once tapping on the chat button and clicking the area to type, then send a message. Perhaps upon pressing the chat button, making it so I can automatically type in a desired message without having to click on the box first in order to chat would make chatting in Roblox VR very seamless to use!

  • I have a suggestion related to controlling your character whilst vr. Being able to move your character via third person while in vr is an interesting idea, though I would love to see this being a toggable option in the setting menu as third person in my personal opinion does not really portrays the strengths of immersion being in virtual reality, if this option to play in particular will still be available as roblox vr continues to improve. :slight_smile: Being able to move your characters in roblox vr in first person and being able to move your arms, with your legs moving automatically to help keep things simply, by default, would seem to be the best option in my personal opinion!

  • Going a bit more in depth on how moving your arms and head in vr might work,

  1. would you be able to visibly see your tools when having them equipped in your inventory? I have briefly noticed in some games that you can quickly switch tools that are in your inventory but using your right controller and moving it slightly towards the icon of your desired tool to select. Was this part of this build, or was this feature not added to roblox vr with this patch? If not, I would love to see this feature being added to roblox vr players, as it would make switching between different items on the fly very convinent!
  • A button in the roblox ui menu to toggle on and off voice chat on the fly as well would definitely be welcomed addition to the new menu. :slight_smile:

Those are my personal suggestions and ideas for roblox vr! Once again thank you so much for this update, I am very interested to see what future ideas are coming related to roblox vr in the near future <3

The script itself is from my (very) old help topics; I have very different coding practices nowadays, but thanks for the assistance :slight_smile:

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Another really cool update but I noticed a pretty big issue.

When collapsing the menu/UI, that causes Purchase Prompts to be hidden as well. I realized this after playing a game and buying a devproduct multiple times without being alerted as the jump button is the confirm purchase keybind (even if the prompt is hidden).

I’m not asking for a refund, but can there be some way for the Purchase Prompt to be forced visible (and in front of your view) to prevent accidental purchases?


will we get vr-only games
also do ya got any sort of release date for the oculus app? air link/quest link doesn’t work for me so i’m having to wait

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This might answer your first question:


i had the same problem just now; im gonna avoid closing my menu from now on until this is fixed cuz im not wasting any more of my robux

edit: i sent a support ticket, they didnt refund and implied that i shouldve paid more attention to the confirmation dialog before the purchase (even though it was hidden?? but im not too mad about the refund though as it was only a 60-robux item)
i did detail the problem in the text and they said they recieved my suggestion to fix it… and i do hope they do soon; even though this problem didnt cost me much, it could be very costly for some other people if they encounter it