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GitHub - matthewdean/roblox-web-apis: List of Roblox web APIs - great examples of usage
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
On the topic of this, we want something like …
So we can have buttons on our site that when people click will automatically start the game. Preferably a little loading screen too
Semi off-topic:
Where is everyone getting that stylesheet? Do they just copy it from each other?
I see every doc site about ROBLOX (excluding the wiki) using that style.
Give us a ApiService. So, We don’t have to rely on a server host but give it limits :3
[QUOTE]Semi off-topic:
Where is everyone getting that stylesheet? Do they just copy it from each other?
I see every doc site about ROBLOX (excluding the wiki) using that style.[/QUOTE]
I stole it directly from the Roblox API docs. It’s just a nice layout to use. I’ve also seen some people add features to the default docs. Like a button for scrolling up and animations for selecting a certain API category.