Roblox Web Authentication API Error 403 with Python

Hello, im nanitook.

I am having some problems with the Authentication API (!/Authentication/post_v1_login)

I have seen that @Mehdi_ea were also having problems with this section of the API. I have also seen that @DevNetx has recommended adding the .ROBLOSECURITY cookie to let you log in, I have added it to the cURL, but at the time of executing the code I receive an error 403, according to the Authentication API document the error 403 means the following:
0: Token Validation Failed 1: Incorrect username or password. Please try again. 2: You must pass the robot test before logging in. 4: Account has been locked. Please request a password reset. 5: Unable to login. Please use Social Network sign on. 6: Account issue. Please contact Support. 9: Unable to login with provided credentials. Default login is required. 10: Received credentials are unverified. 12: Existing login session found. Please log out first.

But I don’t receive any kind of “sub-code” as indicated there. I only receive a 403.

Any solution to this?
Any way to do the “Robot test” from Python?

Thanks in advance.
Greetings to all,

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Well it is called a robot test for a reason. If you look at the requests it makes when you log in on Roblox you’ll see it sends a first login request that returns 403, followed by a request to with some other data at the end, and then the captcha pops up. Once you’re done the captcha it’ll send another login request but this time with captchaToken and captchaProvider in the body. In this situation I think you’ll find it hard to create a method to login without doing the captcha manually.


Ok, thank you for your reply. It really helped me. Although I do not know how to complete the test from the Python console, but I will find some way, or simply continue using the Roblox website.

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Yes, I indeed had problems. If I remember well, it was impossible to pass this with the API. Not sure, tho.

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