Roblox Website won’t authenticate request to access

The Roblox Website page is not responding to any of my request to access it on any page. This is occurring to across the platform and is impacting my games with lower player counts and including other players as well are experiencing this.

The impact of this issue is high.


Yep, same here pal!

I’m sure it’s just a minor disturbance, the website seems to be restoring for me now, this incident didn’t seem to last that long. Pity really, I don’t know why but me and my brother when we where younger always use to enjoy the moments when Roblox went down, quite entertaining for some reason.

Anyway I’m waffling, sorry, I’m sure it’ll be back soon :slight_smile:

Obviously the cause of a major outage. Has been resolved now.


Its not fixed in games, I am getting horrible ping in erlc
And I asked someone in the game what their ping was and they said 300, we had the exact same ping. I was in another server and i was getting 1k+ ping.

This is not related to the website outage and/or the issue being reported here. It’s a separate issue (if one at all) and a new report should be filed