Roblox Website/App Friend to Friend Messaging is glitched

When I load the Roblox website or app, it shows I have messages/chats from friends. I go to check, and all of my messages besides “CrazedBrick1”, who I’ve never messaged is there. I look for where the notification is coming from, and I can’t find it. To add, all of my Group Chats have gone missing as well.


The issue is also affecting @Rothisk


I’m experiencing a similar issue, when I try on the safari app, I’m missing a lot of chats, and when I go on the Roblox app, I have random chat groups from so long ago that I don’t even remember them anymore


I’ve experienced this issue too. I wonder if it was caused by the recent removal of out-of-experience chat for users under 13.


Not sure but I will say being added to the old GCs made me find some old friends.


Can confirm this is happening to me as well. The website chat feature is only showing 2 of my chats. If I want to find any others, I have to manually search for them in the search bar and open them.


Still no solution to this issue for a host of users.

yeah… can’t see chat history of friends, and some chats don’t even appear. I think it’s been happening for almost a week now

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Also experiencing this issue.

Cross-posting this duplicate report for extra info:

Adding unto to this, at one point it randomly reappeared, but it said all my chats were archived? Is Roblox internally deprecating chats or testing that?