I want my NPC to play the werewolf walk and idle animation but I don’t know how to find the ID.
Could you please help me find the ID? I have looked in other forum posts and their IDs don’t seem to work for me.
Idle ID: Werewolf Idle - Roblox : 1113752682
Walk ID: Werewolf Walk - Roblox : 1113751657
Run ID: Werewolf Run - Roblox : 1113750642
Fall ID: Werewolf Fall - Roblox : 1113751889
Jump ID: Werewolf Jump - Roblox : 1113752285
Swim ID: Werewolf Swim - Roblox : 1113752975
Climb ID: Werewolf Climb - Roblox : 1113754738
Hope this helps!
yeah those are the one’s I used. But they don’t seem to work. I wonder what I am doing wrong
Can anyone else help with this? Using regular ID’s from the catalog won’t work when Inputted into an Animation Object, they have to be in http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id= format and I’m not sure what the id for it is, in this instance.
From BTRoblox extension:
Walk: http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=1083178339
Idle Pose: http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=1099492820
Idle Anim 1: http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=1083195517
Idle Anim 2: http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=1083214717
If it isn’t clear, you copy and paste the entire link into the animation id property–whatever its called I forget.