Roblox won't install correctly

Recently, I had just uninstalled roblox due to it constantly updating itself more than normal, I assumed it was bugged. When I tried to reinstall it, I’ve noticed that midway through, it would close itself and just wouldn’t install the client (or RobloxPlayer, however it is spelled) wouldn’t be installed. Even trying to run Roblox Studio gives me the infinite install prompt that closes itself out midway through install. I’ve gotten curious to see if it was even installed by clicking on the studio icon it would give me, but when I try to search around the files for it, it isn’t listed. I’m not even sure what to do right now.


Hello @GoreNest!

Be sure to do this and let me know what happened!

Please ensure that all Roblox files in the AppData directory are removed. To do this:

Uninstall Roblox from your computer
Open the Command Prompt. You can open it by pressing Win+R > Type ““CMD”” > Press Enter.

Type in the following commands:

cd AppData\Local (then press enter)
rmdir /s Roblox (then press enter)
Enter ““y”” when asked to answer (then press enter)
Restart your computer
Reinstall Roblox

I hope it helped!


I had to find the folder roblox studio was installed in and run the installer there after looking for the versions folder.

Can you elaborate further on this? I don’t know what you mean by this and my Roblox Installer is doing the same thing and isn’t working…

Lets say you’re downloading roblox off the website and you run the installer, and the window just closes, what you’re left with right now is just the roblox studio app in your start menu or your desktop screen.

Right click on the roblox studio application and click “Open File Location”

From there, navigate to the previous tab and search for the “Versions” folder, and select that folder instead.

Then you’ll be able select that installer on the latest version folder, run it.

EDIT: Roblox Player & Studio won't install - #19 by GoreNest

I’ve explained it here because I did it in that exact moment, but I might have not explained it well enough here.

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