Roblox Xbox app freeze when leaving a game

I’ve been trying out the Xbox One Roblox app for a while now and I’ve ran into a bug where the app would freeze right after I confirm to leave the game - the gray background overlay just stays there and nothing happens. I would then need to open another game and reopen the Roblox app to continue playing Roblox - nothing else works.

This bug doesn’t repeat itself all the time, I’d say about 1/20th of the time, but I noticed that it mostly happens when leaving “Paintball Frenzy”.

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We may need a “Console Bugs” category now. :open_mouth:

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Just fixed this :slight_smile: Will have to go through out release cycle, but will be live in about two weeks.

In the meantime, if you’re game on xbox is doing this, it’s likely due to a script that is waiting forever, which was the case in Paintball Frenzy.

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Are you talking about a “wait(99999999)” or a “:WaitForChild()” that didn’t finish or a “while true do wait() end”?

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After looking into this even more, the issue actually is being caused by an infinite loop being invoked in a script when the player leaves the game.