Not only is navigating the website taking forever, so is publishing a post, editing a post, and generally any action on the forum itself. I also keep getting 502 Bad Gateway errors.
Even putting out this post is taking ridiculously long. There seems to be a general slowdown of the forum itself.
Could be region-specific. Especially in the UK, where it’s getting a real beating. It’s happening to everything under “”
I’m not getting any Error 502 or many pages being slow, but like 1-2 pages would be slow until the full thing shows up, so I guess it isn’t a forum problem?
It does take longer than expected to load a full page, maybe like 5-8 seconds more than usual.
I get this a lot too but then my computer gives up and says “ took too long to load” I’m like nice so I go sit and watch youtube until it comes back online its been happening a lot recently.
Bump, as the Devforum is starting to slow down again, inconsistently, sometimes with faster and other times with slower speeds. I’ve also gotten a 502 error today, while viewing someone’s portfolio.
I’d like to add that I can still navigate the forum, but at times it will be extremely slow and sometimes I’ll even get a 502. That’s how I’m posting this, as we speak.
Same thing for the Roblox website, now! The connectivity issue happens there, too. I imagine it does for other websites under “”