[ROBLOXCRITICAL] Broken meshparts cause macOS High Sierra 10.13.2 to crash instantly

Beginning some time last night macOS users running on High Sierra 10.13.2 crash when trying to load into my game. This issue appears to occur 100% of the time for these users and I haven’t the foggiest idea why this is happening.

Someone sent me a log file that gets posted when this crash occurs:

0.95344 d29d000: NetworkClient:Create
0.95773 d29d000: Client:Connect serverPort(56303) clientPort(0) threadSleepTime(-1)
1.21734 d29d000: Connecting to server, IP(inet_addr): 1279681196 Port: 56303
1.32883 d29d000: serverId:|56303
1.32888 d29d000: Replicator created for player|56303
1.32889 d29d000: Replicator created: 0x7fad65720600
1.39963 d3a3000: Time taken to initialize schema = 4.266137 ms
2.11197 d29d000: Set canUseNewPhysicsSenderFlag = 0. haveLoadedRemoteSFFlagNames = 1 IsSync = 1 SFFlag = 0 remoteKnown = 1
399.40909 ad323340: Client:Disconnect
399.51422 ad323340: Sending disconnect with reason: -1
399.55438 ad323340: Replicator destroyed: 0x7fad65720600
399.55533 ad323340: Sending disconnect with reason: -1
399.55536 ad323340: Sending disconnect with reason: -1
399.56601 de62000: Connection lost
399.56607 de62000: Connection lost: connectMode: Disconnect ASAP, timeMS:398343, connectionTime 86
399.56610 de62000: Connection lost: AckTimeout 0, IsOutgoingDataWaiting 0
399.56613 de62000: Disconnection Notification. Reason: -1
405.71274 ad323340: Client:Disconnect
405.76001 ad323340: NetworkClient:Remove

After doing some digging with someone that was having this problem, we’ve narrowed it down to one errant meshpart that has no mesh data. Whenever this mesh is loaded into a place where the client can see it, macOS users of the above version crash.


Just tried this - happened to me on your game, but most other games work fine.

That part looks like it may be the issue, given that the client disconnects right after it.

Your game works fine for me on OSX 10.13.3 Beta, but you may have removed the offending asset from it already. Can you create a place that uses this mesh in a way that crashes the client? (I tried using this asset on a special mesh in Studio and that worked fine, but maybe you were using it in some other way)

I was able to reproduce this with friends that were experiencing this issue by simply copying the offending mesh from the vehicle it was a part of and plopping it into a blank baseplate. I don’t know if it ever affected Studio, but it always killed the mac’s client.

KillerMesh.rbxl (14.4 KB)

Can confirm - this reproduces on my OSX in the client. Will look into it.

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This doesn’t seem like a new behavior. Are you sure this started happening last night? I’ve been tracking a repro that @zeuxcg has found, but it seems to happen to versions from before 2018. It seems to happen in code that hasn’t been touched in a while.

The issue could easily predate my noticing it, the timeframe I gave was just when I happened to encounter it.