[ROBLOXCRITICAL] Characters Dying/Falling Apart upon spawning

Since sometime around 10 PM PST today, characters in multiple games including RoCitizens have been dying every time they spawn.

For RoCitizens at least, this happens in every server every time the character is created.




Seems to not be affecting everyone, however this is definitely game-breaking and is occurring on a large scale.

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Disabling the code on RoCitizens which rebuilds the character rigs with the Robloxian 2.0 package stopped the characters from dying.

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We are rolling back the release that caused this.
Thank you for sounding the alarm!


That gif made me chuckle. Iā€™m glad itā€™s fixed now though


Weā€™ll follow up shortly once the issue has been fixed. Thanks for the report.


Iā€™m new to the Dev Forum so Iā€™m not sure if I should put this issue here but here goes.

So at the moment, the NPCs in my game (new servers) seem to be doing whacky things that have no reason to be happening. The game is: [AmonK2!!!] Ro-Ghoul [ALPHA] - Roblox
and the ā€˜whacky thingsā€™ happening are stuff like NPCs teleporting around, and the serversided script that uses the playerā€™s HumanoidRootPartā€™s position is detecting it in extreme locations such as across the map when in reality the player moved a good 10 studs. My question is if this is related to the release that caused this issue too.

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It likely is related, stay tuned.
Our operations engineers are taking care of it now.

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Should be fixed now!


This affected my game during a testing stage as well, I struggled to find the problemā€¦

Huge thanks to CloneTrooper and Nightgaladeld for helping fix this.

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