We still are receiving reports of players losing data. We are seeing the following error occur nearly every day now, sometimes for up to 45 minutes at a time and strongly believe it is related:
(pics from the last 2 days. none today so far. we have been seeing massive spikes of these errors since June 3rd)
We have our own backup server to handle data – however it seems that there are times when both HttpService and DataStore service is unavailable, preventing requests from going out and ultimately causing players to lose their data.
We track all datastore fails and the reason for why the datastore request failed (including this particular 502 error). We are also tracking if at any point we exceed the maximum number of datastore requests that can go out per game server separately to google analytics. We are ensuring that we never hit the cap, nor saving more than once for the same key within 5 seconds. We retry all requests 5 times (both http requests to our backend and datastore requests to roblox’s servers), and still are receiving reports.
Something really needs to be done about this - these spikes shouldn’t be happening at all. Both HttpService and DataStore service need to be more reliable.
We are also open to the idea of an engineer looking at our code if needed.
Thank you very much for your time.
The Royale High Team,
ice7, Ironclaw33, & callmehbob