[ROBLOXCRITICAL] MarketplaceService Down?


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My game is breaking as well, almost every service is failing to operate that requires data or HTTP requests.


I joined my game and had random data that isn’t mine. Other people are reporting getting random data as well. If the game thinks that it was their data because it loaded and then saves they lose all of their data. We might need a data role back after this.

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The issue also appears to spread to badges, too. My game broke at around the same time this was reported.

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Yep, same here. The worst thing that can happen here is data loss. I use Datastore2 module do you think things should be safe?

Once everything is fixed, possibly. Depends on what key the data is being saved to. If a random player’s data that loaded is saved to your key, then you will have to manually rollback, or create a system that allows people to rollback.

It’s already too late for that.


Is it best to close my game temporarily?

It doesn’t seem like datastores are acting up so you should hopefully be alright but can’t say for certain.

I have shutdown my game to prevent any lost or overwritten data.

I did it as soon as I figured out what was going on. To be extra safe I would suggest others do it too. But I’m just like the rest of you, watching, waiting, and hoping for the best from the engineering team.

This issue does not affect developer datastores. I would recommend verifying that your datastore code follows best practice, and if you still experience issues with datastores after this issue is resolved, please file a new bug report on that.

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If you have no new/useful information to add to this bug report, please just leave a Like. This is not a Twitter timeline or Discord chat. Reading space is precious, so don’t post if you have no reason to.


An interesting thought I had about this was that, if roblox can’t find what is wrong on their end, since Discord, Twitter, and Roblox are all having issues, if roblox hosts on a server farm that also hosts Discord and Twitter stuff, it’s possible that the specific server farm could be having issues. I’m not extremely savvy on how all that stuff works, but any requests to api.roblox.com seems to have problems. Requests to groups.roblox.com or whatever seem to be fine (GetRankInGroup works properly)

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I was trying to hint at too that maybe the issues are connected somehow, but i’m wondering if the issue is fixed for others, because things seem normal for me now.

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This issue should now be resolved by our teams. Please let us know if you continue to encounter any more issues like this related to MarketplaceService or any inventory-related API.