[ROBLOXCRITICAL] Server Client Replication issues with latest update?

Recently some of the games I manage have started having issues with Server Client replication, where things created by the server don’t replicate to the clients.

Now they have stopped replicating completely… What I do is create a block around the player however it does NOT show up on the clients… this is a game breaking bug that have made the game go from 1000 players online to only 50… and dropping

I’ve asked other developers and they said they are also experiencing this, unfortunately I have NO idea what is causing it as there are no bugs in the console at all, and trying to test it in Studio → Server doesn’t work as the bugs do not occur.


Here is one of the games I mentioned: Freeze Tag - Roblox


Could you provide an example of this? I am not experiencing this while testing on an empty baseplate

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I have edited the thread with a link!

Do you know when this started? Maybe you can notice the playerdrop from your developer stats.

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Do you have workspace.StreamingEnabled? It affects workspace replication


I’m still trying to find a fix or a better way to repro.

I am having problems with this too. Here is what is happening in my space game, Galaxy… Factions can take bases from other factions through territory assimilation or bombarding the station/planet. Once assimilated the bases parent property is changed to the folder of the new team. However this change does not always get properly replicated to the clients. Anyone who joins the game after this happens will not be able to see the base at all as if it doesn’t exist, does not matter how good or bad their internet connection is either. The server just refuses to replicate this base to anyone. The only way I can fix it is to manually move the ghost base to workspace for a second via dev console and then back into the correct folder, then it instantly gets sent to all clients. Obviously I can’t be doing this all day.

I’ve also been having similar issues.

In my game a randomly chosen plot is renamed when a player joins the game. Recently this change hasn’t sometimes replicated though, causing the name to be different on the server and the clients.

Tested this on a few of my servers, and roughly 25 % of the plots had this issue.


i noticed that the ice has started showing up again, but the blocks are not centered on the players. did you make a change?

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I’ve been noticing similar behaviour. I don’t remember which of my places, but some pretty strange stuff was going on, similar to what was described here, with property updates not replicating server > (some) client(s)

If the exact cause is identified, please let me know as if there is a fix it’ll be vital I roll it out to all of my places ASAP.

About a week or so ago, I noticed something like this in my game (hadn’t noticed ever before). I clone a model from ServerStorage to the workspace on the server and most of the time its absolutely fine but occasionally, I’ll join the game and I can’t see the model even though some other players can… very strange…

Yes sorry actually we did!

In our game we used the keyword “Tags” and because roblox has reserved that now it broke our game! so we changed that to “Tagz” and it works fine now!

As for the off centering thats just some replication issues on our end :stuck_out_tongue: we’ll fix that soon.