Not sure if this has been reported previously. However, I couldn’t find anything from a quick search.
If there around > 20 players on a game, and an exploiter runs this script, it seems to crash the server.
while wait() do
for i,v in pairs(game:GetService’Players’:GetPlayers()) do
if v.Character ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild’Head’ then
for _,x in pairs(v.Character.Head:GetChildren()) do
if x:IsA’Sound’ then x.Playing = true end
while wait() do
for i,v in pairs(game:GetService’Players’:GetPlayers()) do
if v.Character ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild’Head’ then
for _,x in pairs(v.Character.Head:GetChildren()) do
if x:IsA’Sound’ then x.Playing = false end
If anyone looks into it, and finds it not to be an issue, or finds other information regarding it, comments will be appreciated. I was speaking with VolcanoINC about this, and we found the best way to prevent it was by creating the sound instances locally, instead of allowing the server to create them.
It all depends on the genre of game to be fair. If it’s a first person shooter, you’d want to be able to hear other players movements. However, in my instance, in a restaurant based role play game, player movement sounds being local isn’t as problematic.
I saw this problem in my game the past two days. We ended up making character sounds local as a patch. This works, the exploiters can’t crash the server anymore, but is not desirable.
I’m going to quickly write a detector script for this. This should let everyone continue using sounds where they are, but when the attack begins, the script just removes all sounds. You should also amend the script to, say, log all current players in the server or something.
Alright, here it is. It’s not perfect but it does work with properly detecting when the exploit runs.
--Sound crash exploit prevention
--Written by TehIcyStar
---INFO: Detects when the sound spam crash exploit is excecuted by looking for sound playing spam. Deletes sounds and prevents further damage
---INSTALLATION: place as a regular script into Workspace or ServerScriptService
local changecount, threshhold = 0, 0
local allowence = 0.55 --magic number, trust me
--fires when spam is detected
function onDetect()
for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
for o,b in pairs(v.Character.Head:GetChildren()) do
if b:IsA("Sound") then
--Insert code after this comment line to run some logging thing (discord message, Datastore logging, etc)
function onChange()
changecount = changecount + 1
--detects when the sound is destroyed to change the threshhold accordingly. Used with .AncestoryChanged because .OnRemoved doesn't exist
function onRemove()
threshhold = threshhold - allowence
--sound collection, should probahly be expanded to also include workspace sounds.
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function (plyr)
plyr.CharacterAdded:connect(function (char)
char.Head.ChildAdded:connect(function (obj)
if obj:IsA("Sound") then
if obj.Looped then
print("Added "..obj.Name)
obj.AncestryChanged:connect(function (arg1, arg2)
if not arg2 then
threshhold = threshhold + allowence
--threshhold checker
while true do
if changecount >= threshhold then
--print("Changecount: "..changecount) --debugging. changecount should NOT go over threshhold. Add a LITTLE bit to allowence in order
--print("threshhold: "..threshhold)
changecount = 0
the ONLY way to detect this exploit is to detect when looping sounds are looping. No other events fire when the malicious code is running, this includes .Changed
More info regarding this exploit:
Game is actually quite stable when executed with a low player count.
We’re adding a mode to SoundService called “RespectsFilteringEnabled” which will do what you expect. It should be up on gametest2 right now.
Humanoid sound scripts depend on this bypass filteringenabled behaviour right now however (and those have not been modified to work with “RespectFilteringEnabled” yet).
I see this “RespectFilteringEnabled” property in Studio, however it doesn’t seem to do anything yet. Will you let us know when it goes live? Exploiters are daily using this to crash my servers.
Please see spotco’s reply above that was marked as the solution of this thread. You will need to turn on RespectFilteringEnabled = true on SoundService to make player sounds not replicate to other clients. Keep in mind that this will turn off player sounds for all other characters except your own.
Will be fixed soon with a “RespectFilteringEnabled”-working humanoid sound scripts. Let me know if any of you out there have any workarounds you’re using.
Hey, I was just testing this property and it seems that all the humanoid sounds are replicating now except from the walking sound. Is walking sounds planned to be supported? Thanks.