If player 1 is not anchored in the air, disable and enable the only script in Script service.
Go to Player1’s client, and enable Hax (in PlayerGui). This will weld player2 to player1, then after 2 seconds release him. Effectivly teleporting player2 to player1.
Why is the player anchored?
The player is anchored by the server because it’s waiting for some response signals from the player before teleporting him to a spawnplate. This prevents players from being killed while loading a map.
The issue is not that the server has anchored a player, this should be fully acceptable. The issue is that Roblox allows locally created welds to influence other clients players on FE protected servers.
Could I get any confirmation that someone on Roblox is looking into this?
You could turn “EMERGENCY” in the title to “ROBLOXCRITICAL” if you think this is sufficiently critical. Give it some thought first before doing that though.
In the mean-time I would implement some logic in the game to not change stats if you notice people are getting killed repetitively at a rate that would not be possible normally in your game, or if all players die within the same 1-2 seconds of one another.
I only have one script that “sets” a persons cframe and it can move the player 10 studs tops, and if used will disable the guns, cause animations and all kinds of stuff that’s not seen by anyone in these videos.
This hax has been around since summer, I’ma see if I can create a repo before changing title to full out critical.
EDIT: I will change the title once I’m 99.99% certain this is not my fault.
I was pondering posting something about this too. I’ve seen a big influx of script kiddies using the sex script on random people in my game (for reasons I can only attribute to school’s being on break.) I can easily try to delete foreign welds from characters, but the teleportation effect still affects the victim and I’m not sure how to go about combating this.
I’ve noticed this as well. A lot of script kiddies are inserting that sex script into Club Boates, which is FE. What was 10x more alarming is that I attempted to play The Mad Murderer last night and all 4 servers I tried to join were, at best, spammed with decals and, at worst, completely ruined by inserted models and deleted assets. I’m 99% sure The Mad Murderer is also FE
Glad you reported this as I too have noticed it and been frustrated by it, but never got around to making a post/repo for it. Hope it gets fixed/changed up soon.