Roblox/Discord Management Bot

This is the big takeaway is what I’m trying to say. I’m a group owner and when I see you charging people for a free VPS Service that’s unsecured or not reliable I wouldn’t want to risk it.

Your basically giving anyone access to the bot by the cookie.


The database isn’t visible at all from glitch as once the bot starts, the database is completely hidden from glitch.

Its not hidden, Are you aware of how these systems work?

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Then you don’t have too. We do not force you to have our bot as its completely up to you.

Its hidden. You are not a developer of our bot so you wouldn’t know.

As an experienced user from Glitch, I’ve been using it for awhile now and there’s still a backdoor way to access the information.
Glitch isn’t secured like you think it’s.
Trust me, I recommend you finding a different hosting provider as there’s many that are low cost and secure.

Once again, the cookies are all hidden and there are no way to change that. We are thinking of making it all one bot and just leave the custom bots to the people who own the custom bot.

that still doesnt answer my question…

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Yes I understand, its just for now. Me and Federal are already looking for other sources.

I’m sorry but clients will be concerned if they see you’re using an unreliable, unsecure source. There’s many backdoors on glitch where they can simply enter a command to access your project via a console without even access your project.

Listen, I know what I am doing with my bot and I know you know what you are doing with your own bot. Me and Federal are already looking for more secure places to put people’s cookies.

You clearly don’t, Your storing users data in a unsecure host, Database and much more which i could rant on about, Your expecting users to trust you with your groups, when you clearly cant do a simple thing and answer my question.

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Listen, who is the bot developer here? Me or you? You don’t know how our bot is scripted and how the database even is. We are looking for better and more secure places to put people’s cookie but till then, this is what we will be using.

I know you own a bot that lots of people use and I understand that you know what is best for users but please just let me and federal deal with these problems.

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How long have you been coding bots for?

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This is a ROBLOX Community DevForum.
We’re here to help you, you have to be open minded. Especially you have to think ahead now and do it before it’s too late. DO not be ignorant about it.
I personally, experienced this.
This is a community here not to only advertise your bot but also to help you out to make it better.

I’m not I am just listing this things. I am taking all of your suggests and as we speak, Federal is currently looking for a better source.

Almost 2 years now. This is the first bot that I have developed that’s going to be open wide for people and uses these things so its a new experience for me.

If you’re taking suggestion…
I recommend you finding a better hosting provider now before you let users use your bot. Mainly because if your bot gets leaked now because it’s on glitch your clients will be mad as they paid 400 robux which they expect their data to be secured and safe.

Yes I understand that and thats what we are doing. Finding a better hosting provider.