Roblox/Discord Management Bot

No, there is no “Shame” For people that use bots like that.

Why so many commands? I was under the impression that this was a roblox ranking bot, not a roblox rank bot and 20 other random commands.

Another point is that this is not something I would want to spend 400 robux on. It is unsecure on glitch, this costs nothing to do (I know how to make these systems) and there are just some way better services for this.

It’s not just a Roblox Management bot but its like an regular Discord Bot too with economy commands, Roleplay commands, Reputation commands, and admin commands for discord.

Believe it or not 400 is very cheap as some of these services cost real money and monthy payouts. This is a one time payment of 400 which is like $4 US Dollars.

Nothing is at risk as you are not required to store any data that could destroy your group if leaked as it does not get any of your cookies or anything. It also doesn’t use group funds in which I suggest giving your bot only permissions to change people’s ranks and set group shout (See group shout also) as it doesn’t require anything else.

Of course there is the cookie but that is deeply secure and our roblox account is also with 2 step-verify as thats the best we can do.

We are looking for a different hosting services but this is what we are using for now till we find one.

I think it’s not good to make it for 400 Robux because there’s many Roblox & Discord Management Bots for free like Vibez and Bloxcord and I think no-one will buy it for 400 Robux but I wish you the best luck. :sparkling_heart:

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Mostly, Ranking services like @HmmBilly and others use VPS for hosting since people don’t use glitch these days beacuase they have no security, and come-on don’t like critize the poor guy, like haven’t you heard man’s got to do what a man’s got to do.
He said he will get another hosting service.
I gave him tips on some good ones.

Yeah, but it doesn’t seem like he’s putting much money into his business. It’s almost like a lack of care for his protection of his clients.

Like I said,
“A man got to do what a man got to do”
Can we just give him tips for discord bot hosting?

What type of encryption are you using on this cookie?

Well, I think he is looking for another hosting website.

The bot has been released! If you wish you buy access to it, join our Discord Server and head over here:

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Have you even made any changes to anyhting you use, encryptions or anything?

Well, I think he is finding some.

Well, he is finding another hosting website.

Uhh what do you mean by that?

Due to an Issue, most users were kicked by a user and are all free to come back as that user is gone. Be free to join our discord again.

There are users claiming that we use the bot named qbot in which is false as we do not. We use our own coded script in which is secure and the people that say I use qbot is looking into my old glitch files and finding a very old version of the bot from a year ago in which is longer in use. They have tried to hack into the Discord Bot account but failed as they found out that was a old version.

Some users were banned from our support server due to issues but they are all unbanned and are allowed to rejoin and no harm was caused.

The bot looks very interesting to use, although it’s security issues. You cannot guarantee that it will keep them out of where you storage the cookies. I don’t know much about bots, but as I said. There really isn’t a way you can completely keep them out. Which is why using just 1 Roblox account can be concerning for many users on the Platform. As they want to ensure they’re stuff they purchase does not fall into the wrong hands, and is secured. Using 1 Roblox account will only make it more easier for the people whom want to do bad stuff to get into the account.

I had it before that it would store users cookies from all accounts into it and I have secure the RM account. To tell you the truth you can give your trust to clan labs too and other bots and hope they don’t fall into the wrong hands but they can still get hack as I ensure you that no bot can not be hacked but its really if you trust us or not.

Guys please fix your bot security my friend was telling me about how he had a custom bot from you guys and a lot of his discord members got kicked. The bot dmed him after and said, “RankManagement bot and all other versions of it are insecure and a scam. It has been hacked by the s####y glitch containers by lucids. and this server is f###ed.” Please fix this my friend is verify upset and annoyed.

That was not RankerManagement but it was an old bot that was in our discord that I forgot about. It has been dealt with and I have removed that bot from it. The real bot, RankerManagement, didn’t get hack as the hackers did try but fail as our security stopped them from being able too.