Roblox.ErrorContext.DependencyException: GetProductInfo call failed

I cannot load into any of my places on Roblox studio for some odd reason. I am receiving a large error message. Any idea what this means and how it can be resolved? I saw nothing on Roblox’s status webpage.

Error message:

We could not open the place [17306599068]. "Roblox.ErrorContext.DependencyException: GetProductInfo call failed\n ---> Roblox.ApiClientBase.ApiClientException: ApiClient MarketplaceAuthority exception:\nUrl =\nStatusCode = ServiceUnavailable\nStatusDescription = Service Unavailable\nResponse Machine Id = 3b7d8910-e016-ab8c-aa4e-9d5b5949fcc6\nResponseText = Adaptive Concurrency Limits Enforced. The server is temporarily unavailable due to high load. Please retry later.\n\n ---> Roblox.Http.Client.HttpRequestFailedException: An error has occurred with your request.\n\tStatus code: ServiceUnavailable (Service Unavailable)\n\tUrl:\n\tResponse Machine Id: 3b7d8910-e016-ab8c-aa4e-9d5b5949fcc6\n at Roblox.Http.Client.RequestFailureThrowsHandler.CheckResponse(IHttpResponse httpResponse, IHttpRequest httpRequest)\n at Roblox.Http.Client.RequestFailureThrowsHandler.InvokeAsync(IExecutionContext`2 context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Roblox.Pipeline.ExecutionPlan`2.ExecuteAsync(TInput input, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Roblox.ApiClientBase.GuardedApiClientBase.ExecuteHttpRequestAsync(String actionPath, HttpMethod method, CancellationToken cancellationToken, IEnumerable`1 queryStringParameters, IEnumerable`1 formParameters, IEnumerable`1 headers, String rawPostData, IEnumerable`1 multipartFormData, String actionName)\n --- End of inner exception stack trace ---\n at Roblox.ApiClientBase.GuardedApiClientBase.TranslateHttpException(Uri requestUrl, HttpRequestFailedException exception)\n at Roblox.ApiClientBase.GuardedApiClientBase.ExecuteHttpRequestAsync(String actionPath, HttpMethod method, CancellationToken cancellationToken, IEnumerable`1 queryStringParameters, IEnumerable`1 formParameters, IEnumerable`1 headers, String rawPostData, IEnumerable`1 multipartFormData, String actionName)\n at Roblox.ApiClientBase.ApiClientBase.GetAsync[T](String actionPath, CancellationToken cancellationToken, IEnumerable`1 queryStringParameters, IEnumerable`1 headers, String actionName)\n at Roblox.Marketplace.Client.MarketplaceAuthority.GetProductInfoAsync(Int64 assetId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at StudioOpenPlace.Implementation.ProductInfoAuthority.GetProductInfoAsync(Int64 placeId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /all/services/studio-open-place/src/Implementation/ProductInfoAuthority.cs:line 41\n --- End of inner exception stack trace ---\n at StudioOpenPlace.Implementation.ProductInfoAuthority.GetProductInfoAsync(Int64 placeId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /all/services/studio-open-place/src/Implementation/ProductInfoAuthority.cs:line 41\n at StudioOpenPlace.Controllers.OpenPlaceController.OpenPlace(Nullable`1 placeId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /all/services/studio-open-place/src/Controllers/OpenPlaceController.cs:line 107"
If you continue to encounter this error, please report it on the Developer Forum. 
Incident ID: 1398132845837990374
Place ID: 17306599068

also getting bugs too. for me its

 Internal error while fetching price of developer product because MarketplaceService:getProductInfo() failed because HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error)

this is in studio, im trying to buy a dev product


Seems like something is wrong internally with GetProductInfo.

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bump, im getting same issue when trying to use server test in studio


It’s happening to me too. I can’t access one of my places. I thought it was due to my game crashing by accidentally overflowing some parts with textures.

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I´ve also recieved that error. I can´t open my games either.

Don´t worry, it´s a Roblox error/bug. It will be fixed soon, I guess…


This is because roblox is down i guess, you can look in roblox status

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hmm, was busy doing something as well

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Same issue I’m having. Bump. (char limit)

We’re experiencing the same issue

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bumping this, i’m also experiencing this too

Please, it’s not working right now, they’re aware, and spamming isn’t going to make the problem better.

At the time of my post, the status page did not reflect the issue, as I stated in my post. Please read the whole post before making comments.

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I am referring not to you, but to the people in the replies.

This issue was due to roblox server issues and has been resolved.