Robloxian 2.0 hand texturing is inconsistent between R6 and R15

When wearing the Robloxian 2.0 bundle, the texture on it’s hands are different in either R6 or R15 games. In R15 the bundle isn’t applying the textures of Classic Shirts to the hands of the bundle at all, and instead just makes the hands show the skin color. Compared to when in R6 the texturing of the clothing actually gets applied to the hands.

Here is me wearing a Classic Shirt on my character and how it shows up differently on my hands depending on if I am in R6 or R15

Expected behavior

I believe the R15 counterpart of this bundle should mimic how the R6 version is able to texture the Classic Shirts onto the hands.


I was just thinking about this yesterday. This is impractical for a number of outfits, including those that are supposed to completely hide the skin, such as my avatar that, like yours, wears gloves

Do you know if this has always been the case?


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue and will start investigating, we will update you when we have further information.

Thanks for flagging!


It happened because of the lazy/bad conversion of R6 packages to R15 some have their UV’s broken

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I can also attest that I have held off fully embracing the Robloxian 2.0 bundle. The UV wrapping that would normally look good on the 1.0/blocky avatar and 2.0’s R6 variant, throws off the pixeling to where it is offputting (at least in my opinion and experience)

Also adding - the standard blocky avatar (1.0) also displays the same sort of texturing issue, this might be likely due to the mesh which is different to its R6 variant. Below are two images - the above shows a UGC blocky avatar bundle that has the 1.0 avatar taking advantage of Roblox’s skinning technology - below is the original R15 blocky avatar:

UGC R15 - notice how my pants are obvious with no cutoff
Roblox R15 - my kneepads go into my avatar’s torso

This can be fixed in two ways - Roblox embraces its skinning technology onto the R15 versions of each bundle (which would make all bundles more attractive to wear and fix Lukas’ original issue - although I am not ignorant of the fact that this would take on a heavy workload and probably would not meet the roadmap as of now), the second option is that Roblox fixes the meshing of the 1.0 avatar so it more closely resembles its R6 counterpart.