Robloxian Hotel! | Training Trainer Guide

This is the official Training Trainer Guide.

Your introduction to all Trainee’s.


Please follow me to your designated area! And stand on the red line.
Say “!open h” to open the Housekeeping Area.
Say “!open r” to open the Receptionist Area.
Say “!open s” to open the Security Area.
Say “!open q” to open the Quiz Area.
After you got to your area say:
Greetings, I’m _______ and I will be your trainer today. Please remember the rules at all times. If you need to speak please say PTS.
Next to me/behind me are my helpers!
Any questions before we start?

Please now choose your part!


The role of housekeeping is to keep the rooms clean and to help out customers if they have any questions.
You will have full access to the check in area but please make sure you do not stand in the reception area or check in anyone.
You are expected to go through the staff door and to the housekeeping area behind reception.
You are expected to use grammar at all times and to be wearing the uniform at all times. This can be found in the housekeeping area behind reception.
You will have full access to the rooms and if any abuse is found using these roles, etc going into the hotel suites in your own time, this will result in an immediate demotion.
If you find any staff member abusing their role you should screenshot it and contact a SHR by posting it on the dizzy server.
You are given 2 items. A vacuum and a broom. These can be found in the staff area and should not be given out to anyone else but them.
These tools don’t actually do anything and they are just there for display when they are walking around the hotel.
Please now go over the vacuum and broom and click on them. You may now equip them to look at them.
Once you have done this, please head back over to the red line.
You will have access to a check in screen in the housekeeping area. To use you they must click the screen and follow the on-screen instructions.
You will then click “Availability” which is the middle symbol. This is to check what rooms are free and what are occupied.
Please make sure you are only going into free rooms. These will be displayed as green on the check in screens.
You will learn how to use the check in system in a minute.
When going into a room you must check the following.
Go into the bathroom, make sure the toilet is flushed.
The shower is off. The TV is off. When leaving the room please make sure you switch off the lights.
End of the Information Part. Does anyone have any questions?
Answer all questions
We will now move onto the Quiz Part. Please follow me and get a Seat at the right!
Please now head over to the Quiz Area and make sure they are seated at the right!
One of my helpers will now approach you and will you ask you a few questions about Housekeeping.
The Quiz will be done over Pm’s. Pm’s are located at the bottom right of your screen.
Helpers start!
Now wait for them to finish


As a Receptionist you are the face of the company. You are one of the most important roles here as without you the hotel wouldn’t be able to run.
You are expected at all times to use grammar and use full sentences.
You are expected to use a greeting everyone a customer walks up to them. We suggest you have one written down in an online notepad or word document so you can copy and paste it every time a customer comes up to you.
A greeting should look like this:
“Hello and welcome to Robloxian Hotel! My name is “your name" and I am your receptionist today. How may I assist you on this fine day?” Remember grammar and full sentences at all time.
If they state what room they want then you will be ok but if they don’t state what type of room, you must ask what type of room by saying the following, “What room do you want? We have standard rooms or our luxury suites?”
If you are ever faced with a troll remember they get three warnings. After they have been issued three warning contact a MR+.
To warn a player say the following, "Warning I | [Reason].
It should look like this, “Warning I | Trolling”
After they have been issued three warnings, contact a MR+. If they come back and get another three warnings, please contact a HR+ to handle the situation.
I will now go over how to use the check in system.”
I advise you to write down or screenshot the following as you will be tested on this later.
Click on the check inn screens. There will be three icons, 1 checks the customer in, 1 checks for availability for rooms and the other checks customers out.
To check a user in please click on the check in icon(the first one)… Enter the first couple digits of their username, for example if it was “DJ05013” you would type “DJ05”. And select what room they want.
You will have the choice to check them into a standard room or a premium suite.
You can’t just check in any person you want as when you click “check in” a pop up comes onto the customers screen asking them if you want to be checked in.
When a user wants to check out you will click on the check in screens, click check out(the last one) and input their username.
Again, you can’t just check out any person so a popup will come onto the customers screen asking them if they want to check out.
Receptionists are not allowed to enter any of the customers rooms.
We are now going to complete a practical receptionist test where you will be tested.

Receptionist Practical

In a moment you will all find a Receptionist desk and practice checking people in/out and practising your greeting.
I advice you start writing your greeting on a separate software and then copy and paste it into roblox.
You will be tested on the speed you type so if you take longer than 3O seconds to type your greeting you will fail your training.
You will now find a free desk and wait your turn for my Helpers to approach you.
Once one of my helpers approaches you, we expect you to greet us within 3O seconds and to be using full grammar.
Remember to greet the customer first, wait to see if they state what room they want. If they do you can check them in but if not you must ask what room they would like.
Once you know what room they want you can select the room type desired. You can also enter the first couple of characters of their username until you see their username in the check in screen."
You will then click Check In and wait for us to accept. Once I have accepted it, it will notify you that we have been checked in. You must then greet us again.
This time something like: “I hope you enjoy your stay and have a good day!”
Whilst you are waiting for us you can familiarise yourself with the system.
We will then approach you for a second time to be checked out.
You must use the same greeting as before and wait for us to ask to be checked out.
Once we have asked to be checked out you must click the check out button and enter the first couple of characters of our username until our username is in the box.
You will then hit check out and it will notify you that we have been checked out.
You just then greet us again but this time it needs to be something like: “Thank you for staying with us, have a nice day!”
After all of that we are going to the Quiz Area!
Helpers start the Practical Receptionist Training!
Now wait in silence for your Helpers to finish.
We will now head over to the Quiz Part. Please follow me and take a seat in the middle.
Head over to the Quiz Area and make sure they are seated in the middle
One of my helpers will now approach you and will you ask you a few questions about Receptionist.
The Quiz will be done over Pm’s. Pm’s are located at the bottom right of your screen.
Helpers start!
Now wait for them to finish


As security your role in the hotel is to keep everyone safe. You can do this by using the given tools.
As security you are expected to not abuse your role as you have more power than other low ranks.
You will be given the following, a pair of handcuffs, a taser, a baton and a Segway.
These can be found in the security room. You are expected to wear the security uniform which again can be found in the security room.
You will only use the cuffs if someone is not listening to you, running away from them or is getting into rooms or areas where they shouldn’t be.
You have full access to rooms. With this power comes great responsibility. This is so that if a hacker or a troller hides in a room they can go in there and get them.
If you are found during free time abusing this role and entering suites for leisure they will be immediately demoted. It is your duty to screenshot this and show a SHR/HR.
To use the taser you must only use this if they need to cuff someone. The taser will stop the player from moving and make them fall to the ground for a few seconds.
During this time, you just equip your cuffs and handcuff them.
To use the handcuffs, you need to go upto someone and it will say “E-Detain” You must click E to stop them from moving and then you can take them out of the area they were in.
Once clicking E you will also see it will say “E-Release, R-Arrest and T-Search."
Clicking E will release them, clicking R will arrest them. Once clicking R it will ask you for a time (in seconds) and a reason. Here you must put in 6O seconds and put in the reason.
You must not arrest them for any longer than 6O seconds. Clicking T will be able to see their inventory so you can see if they have any tools they shouldn’t have.
Once they are arrested, they are sent to a prison cell. They will remain here until the time is up. They will then respawn back to the hotel,
When using the Segway this is also to get around the hotel and to catch after anyone that might be running away from them.
These tools are to be only used by security. Not even HR.
That is the end of the security training. Does anyone have any questions?
Answer any questions then say the following,
We will now head over to the Quiz Part! Please follow me and take a seat at the left!
Head over to the Quiz Area and make sure they are seated at the left
One of my helpers will now approach you and will you ask you a few questions about Security.
The Quiz will be done over Pm’s. Pm’s are located at the bottom right of your screen.
Helpers start!
Now wait for them to finish

And of course a ending part.


This concludes our Training. After all these tests/parts. Please stay seated, while I go back to the lobby and teleport each one of you to the Host/Co-Host/Overseer to be ranked!

[The End]
SHR Team
~ Group ~